All My Own Work

The perfect anti-plagiarism course to prepare your students for senior studies and beyond.

Career Tools All My Own Work helps students understand and use ethical practices when locating and using information for assessment tasks and assignments. This program follows the structure of the NSW Education Standards Authority mandatory course for students entering Year 11.

Why All My Own Work?

Prepares students for ethical scholarship practices and processes in the lead up to senior school.

Reduce lesson preparation and administrative burden.

From a NSW school? This is a mandatory course for you.

Flexible in delivery needs and varied paces of learning.

Educate your students about honest scholarship and how to avoid malpractice and plagiarism.

Valuable addition to your pastoral care program.

Key features...

5 Modules

Comprehensive offering across 5 content areas of Scholarship Principles & Practices, Acknowledging Sources, Plagiarism, Copyright, and Working With Others.

Engaging content

Interactive video and written content with in-built quizzes to check understanding. Students are able to work through modules at their own pace or during designated study/pastoral periods.

Records and reporting

Easy reporting all in one place to see the completion status of each student.

Easy follow ups

Easy reporting and record keeping enables student follow ups and reminders with the click of a button to ease your administrative burden.

All My Own Work is...

Written specifically for Year 10 students

Ensuring accountability

Produced by a qualified teacher

Online and fully automated

Administration with ease

Contemporary by content and design

Pick up and go for any staff member

Easy to generate reports

All Career Tools programs boast

All devices

Use in any internet browser – no specific device required

Comprehensive reporting

See results for individuals, groups or entire cohorts

Private and Secure

Secure personal portfolios for students and staff

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