Life Ready

The perfect complement to your school's pastoral care program.

Career Tools Life Ready is a wellbeing program aimed to fuel students with the positivity and confidence to take control of one’s health and independence for socially just and respectful post-school lives. Following on from ACARA's Health & Physical Education F-10, Career Tools Life Ready is designed to extend the rationale of safe, healthy and active citizenship to all young Australians.

Why Life Ready?

Prepares senior students for situations related to health and safety as they become more independent and gain more responsibilities.

Gives practical advice and tips on moving out of home, superannuation, how to vote, getting a medicare card + much more.

From a NSW government school? This is a mandatory course for you.

Auto calculates inbuilt activities to contribute to 25 hours.

Perfect pastoral care or wellbeing program for your senior students.

Use a combination of the inbuilt modules and external activities to enhance program engagement.

Developed with your needs in mind

Career Tools Life Ready addresses the three big frustrations we heard about delivering this program namely

  • The lack of engaging content for students
  • The hassle involved in following up with students who don’t complete
  • Maintaining records of student progress

Key features...

6 Journeys

Comprehensive offering covering 6 learning contexts: Independence, Mental Health & Wellbeing, Relationships, Sexuality & Sexual Health, Drugs & Alcohol, and Safe Travel (remaining learning contexts to be rolled out from Term 1 2023).

Engaging content

Interactive video and written content with in-built quizzes to check understanding. Students are able to work through modules at their own pace or during designated study/pastoral periods with included ability for you to show/hide lessons.

Recorded hours in one place

Manually assign hours to students for offline activities such as incursions/excursions to keep track of completed Life Ready hours all in one place. These hours will then accumulate with the completed in-built activities.

1 touch follow ups

Easy reporting and record keeping enables student follow ups and reminders with the click of a button to ease your administrative burden.

Life Ready is...

Written specifically for Year 11 & 12 students

Ensuring accountability

Produced by qualified PDHPE teacher

Online and fully automated

Administration with ease

Contemporary by content and design

Pick up and go for any staff member

Easy to generate reports

All Career Tools programs boast

All devices

Use in any internet browser – no specific device required

Comprehensive reporting

See results for individuals, groups or entire cohorts

Private and Secure

Secure personal portfolios for students and staff

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