What is Career Tools?


The short answer is "many things". Career Tools provides you with a number of tools that assist you with the delivery of your Careers program in communicating effectively with students and parents and also with student management.

There are two parts to the Career Tools system:

Your Careers Website

We build you a customised Careers website, specifically for your school. We brand it for your school and it runs on your own domain name. All site content is maintained and updated for you.

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Advanced Student Tools

These tools are aimed at helping you communicate effectively with your students and parents and are specifically designed to save you time! There are advanced student management tools which are all necessary in today's era of accountability.


Frequently Asked Questions

No, none whatsoever. The Career Tools system has been designed so that anyone can use it. It's pretty much as simple as, if you can type information into a word processor then you can use all the tools easily.

No, we do all this for you. We set up your website, we host and maintain it for you and we set up your Career Tools account for you.

We create a secure account for you and provide you with the login details. You can add additional users as well and you set which tools these users have access to.

Most definitely - yes. We comply with industry best practices in regards to storing our data and regularly undergo security auditing to ensure we are doing everything we can to protect any sensitive information.

Yes, we are always available to assist you if you need help or with advice on how to make use of your Careers site and Career Tools.